A roofing contractor is just that – someone who works solely on roofs. This person can be an unlicensed roofing contractor, licensed roofing contractor that also does general maintenance jobs, a licensed roofing contractor, or an employee of a large roofing company. No matter who the Professional roofer is, they all have one thing in common: they’re trained professionals who know how to get the job done right and get it done right every time.

Inspect the roofing system and the underlying materials

What’s the first thing a roofing contractor needs to do? This might seem like a silly question to ask, but the actual answer isn’t all that simple. The first thing a roofing contractor does is inspect the roofing system and inspect the underlying materials. He checks for leaks, cracks, damage, and the like. He looks at everything from the ground up and doesn’t just look at it from the roof, either.

Replacing shingles

Now, when you’re talking about replacing shingles, there are a couple of things that come into play. One of them is weather conditions – if the climate where you live is prone to extreme cold or even extreme heat, then your roofing contractor will probably recommend that you either get new shingles or change the ones you have now. There are two types of shingles, metal, and asphalt. New ones are made out of a synthetic material called Volara which gives them a longer life span, are stronger and are easier to clean and repair. Old ones, especially metal shingles, are made from asphalt and are considerably weaker, so they wear out much faster and need to be replaced much more frequently.

In addition to inspecting the roof itself, a roofing contractor also inspects any equipment on the roof, especially the chimney. These are usually made out of PVC pipe and as they cool and expand, they create pressure points that cause shingles to break off or even to fly off in large storms. They are also very dangerous and pose a serious fire risk if not installed correctly. Again, if you are considering getting new ones, make sure that the contractors you are talking to use a pressure-treated pipe, as this cuts down on both the risk and the fire risk significantly. Chimneys also leak every once in a while and you should ask your roofing contractor what kind of leak he thinks his roofing material is.

In addition to inspecting the roof itself, your roofing contractor might suggest some other minor roof repair jobs. Things like painting a leaky roof, sealing a gutter, sealing an underground drain, and installing a motion detector light are all examples of little jobs that can be done by the average handyman. If your roof has gotten worn out to the point where you feel it’s time for a complete overhaul, it’s always best to get quotes from several roofing contractors before deciding which one will do the job best.

Finally, always remember that hiring roofing contractors isn’t just a matter of convenience. In addition to saving you money, they can ensure the safety of your home and of those who live in it. New roofs are tested before use to make sure they’re strong enough to withstand all kinds of weather. Also, good roofers have a lot of knowledge about the types of roofs that work best for your area, so you know you’re getting the best material possible.